Do you have an overworked SQL Server?

Fear not, I can help you and your poor SQL Server.

I have the tools and knowledge to fix database design, settings, queries, indexes and more.

Analyse and investigate.

I’ll delve into your performance concerns and propose a remedy. Beginning with an in-depth analysis of logs and implementing monitoring measures to pinpoint the root causes. You’ll receive a comprehensive report along with a cost estimate. Alternatively, we can swiftly address the most pressing issues without delay.

Code and design review.

I’ll meticulously review your codebase and database design, offering recommendations for enhancements. Alternatively, I can directly rework the code, allowing you to test for performance improvements.

Education and developer tools.

I’ve developed tools that significantly enhance my productivity as a T-SQL developer. These tools not only boost efficiency but also mitigate errors. I’m more than willing to share them with your developers and provide thorough training on their usage. Additionally, I can offer valuable tips and tricks for crafting better queries